Thursday, 30 April 2015

Cover Reveal: The Wind Weeps by Anneli Purchase #LLm #Romance #Books @anneli33

Today, I have the pleasure of unveiling a brand new, beautiful cover for The Wind Weeps by Anneli Purchase.

Don’t you just love it? Anneli’s here to tell us a little bit about the story behind it:

“Don’t judge a book by its cover.” I used to believe that, but recently I noticed a certain book cover that snagged my attention, and without giving a thought to what the book was about, I wanted to read it.

That gave me pause. How will readers know what a page turner I’m offering them if I don’t grab their attention with my book cover?

A light came on in my head as I remembered Anita B. Carroll, a cover designer of who has been a guest on my blog: Anneli’sPlace

Anita and I began a dialogue about a new cover for my novel, The Wind Weeps. This book has so many tangible elements that I could have focused on any number of them for a cover image: boats, the BC coast, commercial fishing, handsome men, beautiful women, and the isolation of the coast. But Anita read the book and suggested that since the story has so much emotion in it, why not go with a cover that reflects it.

Remember the terror Julia Roberts felt in the movie Sleeping with the Enemy? That’s the kind of terror Andrea feels about her husband, Robert. But in her case it isn’t so easy to escape him. He has taken her to live in a remote cabin on the coast, all communication cut off.

We have love, anticipation, happiness, hope, desperation, indecision, ambivalence, frustration, fear and joy, just to name a few of the emotions found in The Wind Weeps.

Andrea once loved orchids, but Robert has turned them into a symbol of his control over her. The orchid on the cover seems to be weeping. The sky is blood red, the sea is dark and rough. And yet Andrea is determined to survive and get back to the man she wishes she had married, the one who has never stopped loving her.

For more than just a romance, why not click on the link to download The Wind Weeps. You won’t sleep until you finish it.

Or if you are in the UK:

For those with e-readers other than Kindle, go to


Anneli Purchase is an author and freelance copy-editor. She writes for the Loveahappyending Lifestyle Magazine, which she also helps to edit. Anneli lives on her little acre of paradise on Vancouver Island with her husband and two spaniels. She has published three novels and is working on her fourth.

For information: I read and adored this book. You can find my Amazon review here. I have to say, Anneli, I also adore that cover. I would certainly pick it up and have a browse. Thanks for sharing!

Keep safe all!

Lots of love, 


1 comment

  1. I enjoyed reading about the reasoning behind the cover design Sheryl.

    Thank you for sharing.
