My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Police, Lies and Alibis: The True Story of a Front Line Officer When you find yourself recommending a book to the postman, it’s a pretty good bet you’ve enjoyed it. Actually, I’m considering it my public duty to recommend the last two books I’ve read, Police, Crime & 999 (you can see my review for that here) and Police, Lies & Alibis – The True Story of a Front Line Officer, to everyone I see. If PC Donoghue can spread a little happiness, then so can I. He’s gone and done it again. I’m a bit late finding this gem of an author. I possibly should have listened to the agent who recommended him. Sharply witty and observant of that unpredictable beast, human nature (or possibly totally predictable beast), the man is pure genius, delivering comedic anecdotes that have your chuckle muscles working in overdrive. Apart from the fact that I’ve melted my Lycra (leggings, I hasten to add) whilst reading in the sun, I’ve found myself literally snorting with laughter and clamping my hand over my mouth for fear of the neighbours officially labelling me bonkers. I’ve also clamped my hand over my mouth in dread reading a certain chapter (no spoilers) which, though a stark reminder about people’s propensity to ignore the danger of cars in hot weather, actually ends hilariously. All I will say, is I could empathise with the policeman’s lot. Jack Russells do refuse to let go. As with the first book I read, there are poignant moments, followed by deadpan one liners which just crease you up. There are also subtle reminders that life is too short ‘to waste time weeping’ and a sprinkling of facts that serve to educate the ignorant (me). Seriously, I think John Donoghue’s books should be prescribed on the NHS. If you are feeling down you cannot fail to be buoyed up. But please heed the health warning: these books are sidesplittingly hysterical. Absolutely recommended – as you might have gathered.
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Keep safe all!
Lots of love,
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