I’ve been a bit quiet. I know, this is as rare an occurrence
as a "blue moon" and, personally, I blame John Donoghue. If you doubt how
distracting the antics of a front line police officer with a wicked sense of
humour can be, read my reviews here and here. Being a dog-lover and foster mum
to a straggle of odd dogs with disabilities ranging from blindness and spinal
injuries to missing limbs, I couldn’t resist diving straight into another of
his books, Shakespeare My Butt!, which turns around our hero’s first foray into dog-ownership and the
arrival in his life of his BFF, Barney. Keen to implement correct dog-training
techniques, John’s read the manuals. He’s even created his own list of rules, his
Ten Commandments, setting boundaries and reinforcing himself as top dog within
the family the dog will see as his ‘pack’. Cue arrival of “rolling, barking,
nipping” eating machine that ejects food from one end as fast as it goes in the
So what do we think?
Snoops’ opinion:
RULES??? |
As usual, John Donoghue has me glued to the pages, thus my
silence. The man is pure therapy, I can’t remember laughing so much (except at
myself, joining in the general merriment as a girlfriend wet herself laughing
whilst regaling our bemused then boyfriends with tales of my general
accident-proneness. Never was she going to let me forget walking into a bollard
at the Three Counties Show. It was midriff level, but lower. Or the time my
ancient Ford Escort self-combusted on the motorway. It was summer. I was on my
way back from aerobics. Dress code: Lycra leggings and leotard. No coat. Eat your
heart out Olivia Newton John, or possibly not).
Anyway, “I digress”. Back to Shakespeare. So, Barney has arrived.
He will know his place in the pack hierarchy. He will obey simple, one word
commands. Get too verbose and you will confuse him. He’s a dog. Ye-es. No spoilers (I hope) but ‘the
surprised’ game in the mornings? The grimace whilst JD and companion search for
place name signs? Again, no spoilers, but I am wondering whether the calendar
the names would be adorning was actually age appropriate? This is another
must-read from Donoghue. A lovely, uniquely witty story of father, daughter (and
dog) bonding, with a sprinkling of entertaining historical facts thrown in. Talking
of entertainment, how does it work?? The grey elephant thing? I’m still pondering
that one.
Would I recommend it? Yes, highly. I defy anyone, even those
with a sense of humour bypass, not to snort wine, hooting with laughter reading
these books. Save time, order a job lot, tuck up and enjoy is my advice.
Amazon UK
Amazon US
Amazon UK
Amazon US
Right, suitably re-energised, I now have to resurface and get
on and put myself about a bit, again. Blowing my own wee trumpet (it’s not very
loud. I shall have to invest in a new one!), I have not one but two imminent releases.
Towards the end of 2014, I was signed with Choc Lit for my upcoming contemporary romance. This development is all the more
special because the book was brought to the attention of Choc Lit's MD, Lyn
Vernham, by Head Fiction Buyer at WH Smith Travel, Matt Bates. Matt read the
manuscript after we met at the Romantic Novelists' Association's Annual
Conference, and recommended it as a good fit for the publisher's list. I am soooo glad that he did.
COMING in May 2015 from Choc Lit
The Rest of My Life - Two damaged hearts, a sizzling sexual
connection. Can love find a way to bring Adam and Sienna together?
Other breaking news: I also have a new thriller due for
publication with Safkhet Publishing, the title of which was suggested by a
chief constable, no less, who also kindly offered me some advice around
forensics and police procedural. Death
Sentence is due for publication in June.
After too many years writing (I’m a little insane, can you
tell?) and a pretty awful start to the year which saw my partner undergoing two
ops (he was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer in 2014 and is doing amazingly well,
still sharing his progress with Prostate Cancer UK, encouraging other men to
seek help early. I am slightly in awe of him, I have to say), I’m at last
feeling as if my efforts have been worthwhile. That’s mainly down to readers,
reviewers, and those who have believed in me. Thank you. It’s hard out there – and
it would be an awfully lonely place to be without my friends.
Finally, I’ve been playing,
making videos. Here’s a sneak peek of Death Sentence. I hope you likey!
Keep safe all!

Fabulous video Sheryl. I LOVE it. Thank you for sharing x