Thursday, 30 April 2015

Today, I have the pleasure of unveiling a brand new, beautiful cover for The Wind Weeps by Anneli Purchase.

Don’t you just love it? Anneli’s here to tell us a little bit about the story behind it:

“Don’t judge a book by its cover.” I used to believe that, but recently I noticed a certain book cover that snagged my attention, and without giving a thought to what the book was about, I wanted to read it.

That gave me pause. How will readers know what a page turner I’m offering them if I don’t grab their attention with my book cover?

A light came on in my head as I remembered Anita B. Carroll, a cover designer of who has been a guest on my blog: Anneli’sPlace

Anita and I began a dialogue about a new cover for my novel, The Wind Weeps. This book has so many tangible elements that I could have focused on any number of them for a cover image: boats, the BC coast, commercial fishing, handsome men, beautiful women, and the isolation of the coast. But Anita read the book and suggested that since the story has so much emotion in it, why not go with a cover that reflects it.

Remember the terror Julia Roberts felt in the movie Sleeping with the Enemy? That’s the kind of terror Andrea feels about her husband, Robert. But in her case it isn’t so easy to escape him. He has taken her to live in a remote cabin on the coast, all communication cut off.

We have love, anticipation, happiness, hope, desperation, indecision, ambivalence, frustration, fear and joy, just to name a few of the emotions found in The Wind Weeps.

Andrea once loved orchids, but Robert has turned them into a symbol of his control over her. The orchid on the cover seems to be weeping. The sky is blood red, the sea is dark and rough. And yet Andrea is determined to survive and get back to the man she wishes she had married, the one who has never stopped loving her.

For more than just a romance, why not click on the link to download The Wind Weeps. You won’t sleep until you finish it.

Or if you are in the UK:

For those with e-readers other than Kindle, go to


Anneli Purchase is an author and freelance copy-editor. She writes for the Loveahappyending Lifestyle Magazine, which she also helps to edit. Anneli lives on her little acre of paradise on Vancouver Island with her husband and two spaniels. She has published three novels and is working on her fourth.

For information: I read and adored this book. You can find my Amazon review here. I have to say, Anneli, I also adore that cover. I would certainly pick it up and have a browse. Thanks for sharing!

Keep safe all!

Lots of love, 


Wednesday, 29 April 2015

I’ve been a bit quiet. I know, this is as rare an occurrence as a "blue moon" and, personally, I blame John Donoghue. If you doubt how distracting the antics of a front line police officer with a wicked sense of humour can be, read my reviews here and here. Being a dog-lover and foster mum to a straggle of odd dogs with disabilities ranging from blindness and spinal injuries to missing limbs, I couldn’t resist diving straight into another of his books, Shakespeare My Butt!, which turns around our hero’s first foray into dog-ownership and the arrival in his life of his BFF, Barney. Keen to implement correct dog-training techniques, John’s read the manuals. He’s even created his own list of rules, his Ten Commandments, setting boundaries and reinforcing himself as top dog within the family the dog will see as his ‘pack’. Cue arrival of “rolling, barking, nipping” eating machine that ejects food from one end as fast as it goes in the other.  

So what do we think?

Snoops’ opinion:

As usual, John Donoghue has me glued to the pages, thus my silence. The man is pure therapy, I can’t remember laughing so much (except at myself, joining in the general merriment as a girlfriend wet herself laughing whilst regaling our bemused then boyfriends with tales of my general accident-proneness. Never was she going to let me forget walking into a bollard at the Three Counties Show. It was midriff level, but lower. Or the time my ancient Ford Escort self-combusted on the motorway. It was summer. I was on my way back from aerobics. Dress code: Lycra leggings and leotard. No coat. Eat your heart out Olivia Newton John, or possibly not).

Anyway, “I digress”. Back to Shakespeare. So, Barney has arrived. He will know his place in the pack hierarchy. He will obey simple, one word commands. Get too verbose and you will confuse him. He’s a dog. Ye-es. No spoilers (I hope) but ‘the surprised’ game in the mornings? The grimace whilst JD and companion search for place name signs? Again, no spoilers, but I am wondering whether the calendar the names would be adorning was actually age appropriate? This is another must-read from Donoghue. A lovely, uniquely witty story of father, daughter (and dog) bonding, with a sprinkling of entertaining historical facts thrown in. Talking of entertainment, how does it work?? The grey elephant thing? I’m still pondering that one.

Would I recommend it? Yes, highly. I defy anyone, even those with a sense of humour bypass, not to snort wine, hooting with laughter reading these books. Save time, order a job lot, tuck up and enjoy is my advice.

Amazon UK
Amazon US
Right, suitably re-energised, I now have to resurface and get on and put myself about a bit, again. Blowing my own wee trumpet (it’s not very loud. I shall have to invest in a new one!), I have not one but two imminent releases. Towards the end of 2014, I was signed with Choc Lit for my upcoming contemporary romance. This development is all the more special because the book was brought to the attention of Choc Lit's MD, Lyn Vernham, by Head Fiction Buyer at WH Smith Travel, Matt Bates. Matt read the manuscript after we met at the Romantic Novelists' Association's Annual Conference, and recommended it as a good fit for the publisher's list. I am soooo glad that he did.

COMING in May 2015 from Choc Lit

The Rest of My Life - Two damaged hearts, a sizzling sexual connection. Can love find a way to bring Adam and Sienna together?

Other breaking news: I also have a new thriller due for publication with Safkhet Publishing, the title of which was suggested by a chief constable, no less, who also kindly offered me some advice around forensics and police procedural. Death Sentence is due for publication in June.

After too many years writing (I’m a little insane, can you tell?) and a pretty awful start to the year which saw my partner undergoing two ops (he was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer in 2014 and is doing amazingly well, still sharing his progress with Prostate Cancer UK, encouraging other men to seek help early. I am slightly in awe of him, I have to say), I’m at last feeling as if my efforts have been worthwhile. That’s mainly down to readers, reviewers, and those who have believed in me. Thank you. It’s hard out there – and it would be an awfully lonely place to be without my friends.

Finally, I’ve been playing, making videos.  Here’s a sneak peek of Death Sentence. I hope you likey! 

Keep safe all!

Lots of love, 


Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Police, Lies and Alibis: The True Story of a Front Line OfficerPolice, Lies and Alibis: The True Story of a Front Line Officer by John Donoghue
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Police, Lies and Alibis: The True Story of a Front Line Officer When you find yourself recommending a book to the postman, it’s a pretty good bet you’ve enjoyed it. Actually, I’m considering it my public duty to recommend the last two books I’ve read, Police, Crime & 999 (you can see my review for that here) and Police, Lies & Alibis – The True Story of a Front Line Officer, to everyone I see. If PC Donoghue can spread a little happiness, then so can I. He’s gone and done it again. I’m a bit late finding this gem of an author. I possibly should have listened to the agent who recommended him. Sharply witty and observant of that unpredictable beast, human nature (or possibly totally predictable beast), the man is pure genius, delivering comedic anecdotes that have your chuckle muscles working in overdrive. Apart from the fact that I’ve melted my Lycra (leggings, I hasten to add) whilst reading in the sun, I’ve found myself literally snorting with laughter and clamping my hand over my mouth for fear of the neighbours officially labelling me bonkers. I’ve also clamped my hand over my mouth in dread reading a certain chapter (no spoilers) which, though a stark reminder about people’s propensity to ignore the danger of cars in hot weather, actually ends hilariously. All I will say, is I could empathise with the policeman’s lot. Jack Russells do refuse to let go. As with the first book I read, there are poignant moments, followed by deadpan one liners which just crease you up. There are also subtle reminders that life is too short ‘to waste time weeping’ and a sprinkling of facts that serve to educate the ignorant (me). Seriously, I think John Donoghue’s books should be prescribed on the NHS. If you are feeling down you cannot fail to be buoyed up. But please heed the health warning: these books are sidesplittingly hysterical. Absolutely recommended – as you might have gathered.

Amazon UK
Amazon US


Keep safe all!

Lots of love,

View all my reviews


Monday, 6 April 2015

Police, Crime & 999Police, Crime & 999 by John Donoghue
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Police, Crime & 999 I’d heard of John Donoghue before I read him. A publishing agent recommended I have a listen to his anecdotes on Radio Four. That was a while ago and I never got around to it. Recently, noting a few comments on Twitter, I ambled over to Amazon and had a ‘peek inside’ Police, Crime & 999. I knew I’d missed out and immediately purchased the book. John Donoghue has a unique, wry sense of humour that cuts right to the funny bone. I could not wait to pick this book back up when I reluctantly had to put it down for a while, and every time I did, I was literally hooting out loud – I’m talking three of four times in five minutes. Trying to read some snippets to my son, I couldn’t get the words out for laughing. The author has a way of delivering one-liners that catch you unawares and are completely hilarious. It’s an honest look at life on the front line, the first year in service as a police constable. It makes you realise that a sense of humour is a requisite part of the job and probably keeps you sane. It’s Donoghue’s recounting of events and razor sharp wit, though, that enriches the telling. There are some poignant moments – I was getting all teary at one point around sudden death – and then, wham, along came John with a line that had me in hysterics. This book is an eye-opener. The characters (police and criminals) are so real they could step off the page. It makes you realise why our ‘boys-in-blue’ might get a bit jaded on occasion. It also makes you realise they care about what they do (they must do!). It delivers, seamlessly and subtly, facts around crime and fatalities (the road traffic accidents chapter is a reminder to belt up – in every sense of the word). I would quote a few lines but that would be a massive spoiler. What I will say is if, like me, life has thrown a few too many balls at you lately and you are feeling a bit jaded, buy this book, read it. I guarantee it will provide belly laughs that will drag you out of the dumps. Thanks, John. This was just what I needed. I look forward to my next two purchases, Police, Lies and Alibis and Shakespeare My Butt, with keen anticipation.

Amazon UK
Amazon US

Enjoy all!

Keep safe.

Lots of love,

View all my reviews
