Today I’m super-pleased to welcome onto
my blog multitalented author of books for children and adults and a writing
tutor, Karen King. Take it away, Karen!
Hi Sheryl, Thanks so much for hosting
me on your blog. I’m super-excited to have a lovely trailer for my YA Sapphire
Blue, an afterlife romance thriller. You can watch it here:
Sapphire Blue is my second YA and it’s a story that wouldn’t go
I first started writing Sapphire
Blue seven years ago. I wrote a brief synopsis and sample pages and sent
them to a publisher I worked with who I knew were planning on expanding their
children’s fiction list. The editor loved the idea right away and told me they
wanted it when they brought out their YA list. A couple of years passed during
which I wrote several other books and added to Sapphire Blue now and
again. Then the publisher told me they’d had to shelve their fiction list so I
put it away. A friend who’d seen the original chapters persuaded me to keep
writing it up. I got about half way through and shelved it again. Then another
writer friend read it and persuaded me to finish it. So finally I did.
What it’s about
Sapphire Blue is set in the afterlife and is based on the
concept of true love being eternal. Sapphire and her boyfriend Will are killed
in the first chapter but love each other so much they search for each other.
They find that the afterworld is split into seven zones, each named after the
colour of the rainbow. They both believe the other one to have been taken by the
Soul Catchers to Red, a zone where all your nightmares come true. They love
each other so much that they go to Red to find each other. I don’t want to give
away too much of the plot but it’s a mix of romance and horror – the first time
I’ve ever written horror, actually. It’s not my usual sort of story but it’s
the one that I’ve carried in my head for seven years so I hope the readers
enjoy it.
Our first drive together. Later, I’ll
take photos of wherever it is we’re going, save a leaflet, a ticket, or
receipt. Today deserves a whole page in our scrapbook.
Will’s a good driver. His eyes
constantly dart to the mirrors to check what’s behind him, around him, in front
of him, and he keeps his speed steady. I feel safe with him.
I look out of the passenger window,
trying to guess where we’re going. As soon as we join the dual carriageway I
know. Mawlish Cove. Where we went for our very first proper date. It’s our
special place, the one we go to when we want to celebrate something, but
usually we have to cycle there. I think of all the places we can go now that
Will can drive, to the coast a few miles away, a sightseeing tour of the local
villages, maybe even drive to Wales to see my cousin, Gemma. I’ll be seventeen
in a few months and maybe I can pass my test too, then we can go away for weekend,
share the driving. I glance at Will and smile. I’m so proud of him.
“I love you,” I say.
“Love you too,” he replies. Then he
starts singing.
“Sapphire Blue,
I do love you,
Forever me,
Forever you!” I join in the chorus, bubbles of happiness fizzing
through me.
Will wrote the song for me last
Christmas, calling it Sapphire ‘Blue’ after the color of my eyes—he said. He
knew his folks were buying him the guitar he’d been begging for all year, so
had secretly written the song to surprise me. It was the first thing he played.
I remember how he picked up the guitar, slowly strumming the strings, then he’d
walked over to me, sat down beside me and gazing into my eyes he’d started
singing. It was only a short song, one verse, nothing special, I guess, but it
summed us up. Me and Will, together forever. A warm surge of love spreads
through me. I reach out and touch his hand. He turns to me and our eyes meet.
Just for a couple of seconds. An eye
blink. Hardly any time at all.
But long enough for us to not notice
the container fall off the back of the lorry in front. When we do notice, it’s
in the middle of the road, blocking our path. A shard of ice slithers down my
“Stop! Will, stop! We’re going to
Even as I shriek the words I know
that there isn’t enough time to stop. I’m frozen to my seat, my eyes fixed in
terror on the huge metal box just meters away.
“Hold tight!” Will jerks the steering
wheel to the left in an attempt to avoid it, but he loses control of the car,
and we’re skidding off the road. OMG, now we’re heading for a huge tree. It’s
looming in front of us, solid and immovable. Its long, leafy branches swaying
in the wind like scaly, green arms reaching out to grab us.
“Shit!” Will’s almost standing on the
brakes in an effort to stop the car. My body shoots forward, then is pulled
back by the seatbelt. My head slams against the back of the seat. The tires
screech as the car starts to slow down but not quick enough for us to avoid the
tree. I shut my eyes, not wanting to see the inevitable, horrific moment of
impact. I can hear Will shouting, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I love you!” I want to
tell him that I love him too, but I can’t speak, can’t move, my body’s turned
into a block of granite.
I’m dimly aware that someone is
screaming as if their soul is being ripped from their body. It is a few seconds
before I realize that the screams are mine.
We’re going to die.
An explosion shatters in my head.
You can buy it from Amazon:
And other book stores
My first YA is called Perfect
Summer and is set in the not-too distant future when society is so obsessed
with perfection that being different in any way is considered a crime. Morgan,
the heroine, has a younger brother, Josh, with Down's syndrome and she and her
family are under a lot of pressure to have him put away in a home so life is
tough for Morgan. Whereas her best friend, Summer, seems to have a perfect
life. Then Josh goes missing and in her quest to find him Morgan encounters
great danger and discovers that Summer's life isn't so perfect after all.
I raced along the street, looking for
number fourteen, the address we had for Emma. I was at number thirty-four so I
ran on. As I passed a small pathway separating a block of houses, two people
came running out-both dressed in dark leisure suits. I barely had time to
notice that one was a man, the other a woman, before the man charged into me,
knocking me to the ground.
“Ow!” I yelled as I hit the pavement,
landing on my left shoulder. “What the heck…?”
Furious, I pulled myself up and
rubbed my shoulder. It stung like mad, and I could already feel the throb of a
bruise forming. I glared up at the man then sucked in my breath as I saw the
young girl, flung face down over his shoulder. I noticed the heavy boot on her
left leg then the metal splint supporting it. She was wearing a calliper. She
must be Emma. And they were kidnapping her!
“Hey, stop!” I yelled, scrambling to
my feet. “Help! Help! Kidnap!” I screeched, running after them.
Jamie looked over, heard me and
started towards us then suddenly backtracked to the van, shouting into his
“Law enforcement? You need to get to
fourteen Greenhall Street, Barton fast. A young girl’s being kidnapped!”
The man snarled. “Get to the van
I charged after them as they both
sprinted over to the van.
I’d heard people say that when they’d
been faced with a dangerous situation, they didn’t have time to think, they
just reacted. Just did what anyone else would do. Well, that’s exactly what
happened to me.
I sort of went into auto-pilot. All I
could think of was saving that little girl from whatever fate those two sickos
had planned for her. Trying to ignore the stabbing pain in my shoulder, I ran
after them, hollering for help at the top of my voice, hoping to alert Emma’s
parents, the neighbours, anyone.
No one came.
The man ran faster, swearing
profusely. The girl’s arms dangled limply down his back, her long hair
cascading over her like a dark veil. She was so lifeless, that for a moment I
feared she was dead. But then I realized she was probably drugged. After all,
why would they want to carry off a dead body?
Jamie finished his phone call, and
was leaning against the driver’s door of the van, obviously hoping to prevent
them getting in. They ignored him and ran straight to the back, the woman in
the lead. Jamie chased after them, shouting for help. We were both hollering at
the top of our voices, but no one came to see what all the noise was about.
Maybe the kidnappers chose the daytime to seize their victims because they knew
most people were out at work then.
The woman pulled open the back doors
of the van. “Quick! Get her inside before someone comes to check what these
perishing kids are screaming at!”
A stitch was gnawing at my side. I
tried to ignore it, forcing myself to run faster so I could help Jamie, who
battled with the woman. I reached the van just as the man flung the little girl
into the back of it. Jamie pushed past him and tried to pull her back out.
“You…" The man spat and cursed,
kicking Jamie in the stomach with such force he fell back onto the ground.
Horrified, I heard Jamie groan and
saw him curl up into a ball, clutching his stomach.
“Jamie!” I screamed. Pushing past the
man I bent down to help Jamie up but the woman yanked me back by my hair so
hard, I thought my scalp would come off in her hands. I jammed my elbow into
her chest in a desperate attempt to force her to loosen her grip. Before I
could wriggle free, I felt something placed over my mouth. A sickly, sweet
smell flooded my nose and swarmed up into my head. Then everything went blank.
You can buy it from Amazon:
And other books stores
Work in Schools
I’m proud to be Patron of Reading for
Blessed Edward Oldcorne Catholic College, Worcester. Encouraging children to
read and write is very important to me and I often visit schools to talk about
my work and run creative writing workshops with the pupils.
I’ve been visiting schools for over
ten years now, and first started when I Iived in Cornwall. The Tate Gallery in
St Ives asked me to run workshops based around one of their artist’s paintings.
I enjoyed it and more visits followed.
I work with primary and secondary
schools. For younger children I run a variety of workshops about creating
characters and building up stories. We create stories about aliens, dragons,
make up codes and other fun things. I love to read the stories children create
and put a lot of them on my website.
The workshops I run in secondary
schools are based around Perfect Summer and Sapphire Blue and
cover characterisation, viewpoints, show not tell, setting the scene and story
About Me
I’m an author of books for children
and adults and a writing tutor. I started my writing career with the teenage magazine, Jackie and spent many
years writing for various children's magazines before concentrating solely on
writing books. I've had over one hundred children's books published by a
range of publishers, including Walker, Scholastic and Harper Collins.
I’ve also written several romance stories for women's magazines and had
two romance novels published, under the name of Kay Harborne. My third novel,
a contemporary romance, will be published by Accent Press next year, under the
name of Karen King.
You can find out more about me and my
work at
Wow! Multitalented and prolific! I love
the excerpts, Karen. Thanks so much for sharing. On a personal note, I’ve
watched Karen in action in schools. I should say, watched in awe. The children
are amazingly enthusiastic. Well done, Karen. And huge congratulations on your
new contract with Accent Press. Good luck.
Keep safe all!

Thanks so much for hosting me on your blog, Sheryl. :) x
ReplyDeleteMy absolute pleasure, Karen. Love the excerpts and video - and I have no idea how you do it all! Fab. :) xx