Thursday, 19 March 2015


Phew, so what a mad two months it has been. Skipping over the part where I was hovering around operating theatres more than the surgeons (my partner is doing fabulously now! Thank you to my lovely family and friends, who shouted out their unstinting support on FB and kept me relatively sane), I had a lovely surprise when showcased my books with Safkhet Publishing in a week long Bonanza! What a fabulous gesture! I had no idea they were going to actually read and review them all! One, yes, quoting lovely Francesca Verbeeten as to reasons why: ‘After meeting Sheryl Browne at the 2012 Festival of Romance and promptly spilling my wine over her gorgeous dress, I apologised profusely, promising to read her latest release and review it for the site. Having finally reached it in my ‘to read’ pile, feeling terrible it’s taken so long to get to it, I found it was well worth the wait . . .’

I keep telling her the stain came out in the wash and that the dress wasn’t really designer, but … Bless her socks, I think she felt a tad guilty. Francesca, I’ll wear it next time as evidence.

I’ve included a few snippets below, but to read all the reviews please do have a browse of the fabulous site (offering much-needed support to authors).

In other news: my new novel, The Rest of My Life, brought to the attention of Choc Lit's MD, Lyn Vernham, by Head Fiction Buyer at WHS Travel, Matt Bates (who read the manuscript after meeting me at the Romantic Novelists' Association's Annual Conference and recommended it as a good fit for the publisher's list), looks to be on line for publication in May! I can honestly say that working with Choc Lit Editor Jane Eastgate on the book has been exhilarating, definitely reminding me how important it is to get a set of professional eyes to peruse my work.

My thriller, Death Sentence, title suggested by a chief constable no less, is currently also in edits with Safkhet Publishing, so it’s all go, go, go. Still, I wouldn’t have it any other way. I am therefore I write, to quote the title of the 2014 Birmingham City University anthology (in which one of my shorts appears *blows own trumpet shamelessly*. I simply wouldn’t know how to be without my writing, apart from a little bit madder, possibly.

Snippets from my Book Week Bonanza reviews:

  • Recipes for Disaster - Perfect for dog lovers, foodies and anyone who has lost faith in the existence of good men.
  • Somebodyto Love - Be prepared to laugh and cry and get lost in a world safe in the knowledge that everything is going to work out okay.
  • Warrantfor Love - This book is an absolute gem and totally hilarious … underneath it all the issues that Paul and Leanne are dealing with are serious and that is what really draws the reader in. This really is a book to devour …
  • A Little Bit of Madness - This is the perfect read for when you are tired and a bit fed up with life – it will restore your faith in humanity (with a little help from the dishy PC Alex Burrows of course!).
  • Learning to Love - Yet again Sheryl Browne paints a vivid picture of real life, making you laugh and cry and feel every ounce of emotion right alongside her characters.
  • The Edge of Sanity - I’d definitely recommend this one. And for die-hard rom com fans, this book might just seduce you into reading a whole new genre!
Thank you, Elizabeth, Francesca and Charlotte at! After a bit of an ugh time, this was just what the doctor ordered. Yes, writing is my passion, but it’s an awfully lot more satisfying when people read and love your work and help get the word ‘out there’.


Keep safe all!

Lots of love, 



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