Monday, 12 January 2015

With a Little Help... @sherylbrowne shares! #lahe #HLP #Books

Posted on 19:45

With A Little Help from my friends, (namely, avid reader and fabulous book blogger, Sharon Goodwin, without whose patience and technical knowledge I would be weeping at my keyboard), I finally have a functional website and blog. I’ve been putting myself about a bit, trying to find a blog that was fairly easy to load and schedule. Landing on Sharon’s superb site at Jera’s Jamboree, I thought, I want one(!) and immediately emailed Sharon, who soon realised I was a complete technical incompetent and proceeded to lead me gently by the hand and help me to insert a template into Blogger. The result… Well, take a look around. It’s pretty neat, if we do say so ourselves. Thank you so much, Sharon. I’ll be around to wash your car every week for a year, beginning Saturday.

And so, I’m back to doing what I like to do best, sharing. Obviously, I like to share my own news, but I also like to share other people’s book news, whether that be via an interview, review, excerpt or simply a stunning new cover, thus my new blog home. Welcome!

In regard to my own latest developments, a recent post on the Romantic Novelists’ Association blog I think sums up my 2014. It was quite a year, with some downs, as life tends to deal us, but also some lovely ups. Briefly, I am super-pleased to announce that I have recently signed with Choc Lit for my upcoming novel, currently titled The Rest of My Life. This development is all the more special because Choc Lit read the book on recommendation of someone who restored my faith in my writing. Excitingly, the news was announced first in The Bookseller! Wow! Little me rubbing shoulders with Burt Reynolds and Julian Clary (form an orderly queue, guys). I owe this person a huge debt of gratitude for picking up my book, loving it, and being prepared to say so in the right ears. I would also like to thank the lovely JB Johnston of Brook Cottage Books for reading and tweaking this manuscript in its infancy. Ta, JB. I owe you too!

I also owe huge thanks to Safkhet Publishing. I have six books published with Safkhet, who not only commissioned me to write my first book for them, having read and loved my writing, but opened an imprint for three further novels. Despite my determination, I was at a point then where I wondered whether continuing to pursue my dream was sheer self-indulgent madness. Safkhet believed in me.  Bloggers, readers and reviewers believed in me, cheering me every step of the way. After fifteen years writing my little heart out, I really can’t say thank you enough to those wonderful people, who give of their time and work so hard for authors.

Um, I suspect that’s an awful lot of car-washing I have to do.

Things on the personal front continue to remain positive, so we count our blessings. Ooh, I almost forgot, I’m off to collect my MA Award at the Birmingham Symphony Hall this week. Bearing in mind I’m a walking disaster, please wish me luck (on making it to the podium without falling over my feet)!

More to follow – possibly a little less about me and more about some wonderful fellow authors! If you’d like to have a peek at my previous site, some of the themes on which will be continuing here, please feel free to browse at:

A BELATED HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL! I wish you much luck, love and happiness for 2015.



  1. What a lovely template Sheryl :) Hope creating the post was less painful than Weebly.

    Great to see you back blogging.

    Have a fabulous day collecting your MA - you did it!

  2. Sheryl, it was such a pleasure to be able to offer some feedback and be a part of your writing process. Plus, you know how much I adore your writing which just gets better and better! Wishing you mega success. x

    1. Thanks so much, JB. You're a total star. I have no idea how you do as much as you do for authors, but we love you for it. Could NOT do it without you. :) xx

  3. Congrats on all your fabulous news, Sheryl! You are one very talented lady and now you are up and running with your blog there will be no stopping you ... it gets easier as time goes on ha! ha! Lx

    1. Well, with a little help from our friends, it certainly gets more enjoyable. And, yes, I'd say easier when you get so much lovely support. Thanks, Lyn! :) xx
