My rating: 5 of 5 stars
The cover of A Second Christmas Wish is just so deliciously tempting I defy anyone to resist peeking beneath. The prologue is equally tempting, giving a concise backdrop and a glimpse into Melissa’s marriage to the cold and psychologically controlling dark eyed, Lawrence. It’s beautifully written, one sentence in particular the man utters making you sympathetic to Melissa and her son immediately. Thus hooked, we move on two years to find Melissa now divorced and, not surprisingly, putting love and the hurt it will surely bring aside to dedicate her time to her son, William, who is frightened of his own father and dreadfully shy – no surprise there either.
In hopes of bringing William out of his shell, Melissa encourages him to take tennis lessons and we meet Daniel, a tennis coach, who is everything Lawrence isn’t, and hot to boot. He’s also a bit of a charmer, thus warned off flirting with Melissa. Daniel, however, is smitten and is determined to put a smile back on her face. The question is, can he? The bond between Daniel and William is magical, watching this little boy grow is as heartwarming as our first glimpse of him is heartbreaking. We so want the sparkle of Christmas to be rekindled for him. A Second Christmas Wish really is the perfect story in the run up to the festive season. Grab a copy, curl up and indulge.
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